
one mile from gretna lge web


ONE MILE FROM GRETNA  - Our Governor in sight - with a screw loose ! R.G. Reeve

2. One mile from Gretna: A speeding Phæton carries a love-matched, eloping couple across the Scottish border to their unsanctioned, if not illicit, wedding destination; when atop a recently crossed hill, their traveling companions and witnesses espy a coach-and-four. Through his spyglass he recognizes the figure of a pursuing parent alighting from the stopped coach. The beau, grasping the hand of his anxious would-be-bride, stands up to offer a purse of coin as an extra incentive to the postillions to urge the horses that last mile to the village. It will be nip and tuck to have the smithy or the innkeeper to conduct an anvil ceremony, but wait ! Hope is at hand, ..........    [You have to purchase these prints  to get the full story.]

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